C-Lab Alpha1.00 Mac OS

broken image

Similar to C lab Creator? Hi, I have Logic pro, but I'm looking for a sequencer similar in layout to the old C Lab Creator. I really like the way the arrangement windows worked. Anybody know of a similar sequencer? Cheers i book soon to be Macbook Mac OS X (10.3.9) I'm rea. Veteran of the grandaddy - C-Lab Notator on an Atari, for krissake! Now Logic Pro 10.0.7, in Mac OSX 10.9.3, running on 2.66 GHz Quad-core Intel Xeon processor with 8G memory BUT using LP9 AMAP Top.


Threads of the past mac os. EvalDictator team consists of many senior people from CMU, MERL, NIH, Sun and ex-Dragon.

Our overall goal is to encourage a new generation of speech recognition research and entrepreneurs by releasing state of the art open source speech technology, and making massive amounts of speech data freely available. Currently, speech recognition technology is only available from a handful of very large companies. Licensing and customizing this technology is very expensive and involves onerous and lengthy negotiations. We believe that is a barrier to innovation in this market.

In order to achieve these ends, we want to popularize speech recognition technology by building open source applications. These tools will be written in Java and will run on every major platform including Windows, OSX and Linux. Our target is computer users who wish to enter text in their native language, and prefer speech to the keyboard. These users may be professionals who require hands free text entry. For example, many Doctors prefer to enter reports via dictation. Air piano mac os. Another target is users who find it difficult to type text in their native language. For example, in many countries users must memorize many complicated key combination to enter basic text. Large countries ( e.g. China, Japan.) and countless smaller ethnic groups have this problem.

We also want to collect a huge corpus of speech and language data. This data will be used for speech research, and to further improve the EvalDictator technology. EvalDictator differs from standard Desktop dictation products such as NaturallySpeaking and ViaVoice because speaker adaptation and custom pronunciation dictionaries are performed as an Internet service. The speech and language data used to build custom models for individual users will be stored and used to improve the general models for everyone. EvalDictator applications will automatically update themselves as new models become available. The result is that the accuracy of EvalDictator applications will improve as more people use them.

We strongly believe that technology should be application driven. In other words, we want to solve real problems using speech recognition applications, and only extend the core technology as required by those applications. The domain of speech recognition is far too big for us to address all at once, so we want to focus on the tasks that will make the technology popular and successful.

Finally, we are seeking support and funding. Collecting and storing massive amounts of audio data will require a serious infrastructure. We will need machines, storage, backup and a fat connection to the Internet. We will also need people to maintain the system. Also, if we afford to work on our software full time we can make much more rapid progress. Therefore we are seeking customers who require a custom solution that is not available from the existing vendors.

C lab alpha-1 00 mac os catalina

Therefore, we are currently building general tools, but looking for vertical domains. We want to release focused applications that solve a problem for some set of users. We hope to build our 'Eval Empire' one happy user group at a time.

EvalDictator source code is free and open source with an 'Apache' style license. The code may be used in proprietary products, even if the products are not open source. The source code will be publicly available on SourceForge.net. EvalDictator will contain no patented IP.

The acoustic and language models are also free, however, they need not be built from publicly available speech data, or be built by publicly available tools. In this way companies and researchers can donate 'eval' models to the project while keeping the data and tools proprietary.

I have Logic pro, but I'm looking for a sequencer similar in layout to the old C Lab Creator. I really like the way the arrangement windows worked. Anybody know of a similar sequencer?
i book soon to be Macbook Mac OS X (10.3.9)

I'm really surprised that no one has picked up on the irony of this question. Does anybody remember what the Logo said . written in blue letters on the enormous black 'dongle' that jutted out from the left side of the Atari computer/keyboard which historically housed the magic of the C Lab Creator? (I'm looking at one right now . I still have two.)
It said, 'EMAGIC LOG 3'. That black 'dongle' was actually the original 'Notator' and I'll leave it to your imagination to suss out what 'LOG' stood for in 'LOG 3'. But the 'magic word' in this clue represents the company from which Apple bought Logic. And although the family resemblance might not be immediately apparent, if you are using Logic Pro you are actually using what would probably be considered the 'grandson' of Creator. I don't think you're going to get a lot closer than that.
G5 Quad, G5 PPC, MacBookPro, iMac 24' Intel Duo Mac OS X (10.4.8)

C Lab Alpha-1 00 Mac Os Catalina

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    Try using this code segment:
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    i = 0;
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    All you really need to do is change what you're adding to I every time you go through the loop, make it user input. This is simply an example of how to do it.
    -Jason Thomas.

  • Core Problem
    The problem I am having is that connectivity to Exchange from Outlook is blocked while executing an integration test through the Microsoft Test Agent (i.e. Outlook
    is in the disconnected state). The test is launched through Microsoft Test Manager.
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    public void LaunchOutlook()
    Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(@'C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14Outlook.exe'));
    I can change how long Outlook is blocked by changing the Thread.Sleep timeout. While the test is running, I can restart Outlook and Outlook is still blocked.
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    with Outlook installed. This Outlook is able to connect to Exchange while executing the test above through Microsoft Test Manager. It is very clear that this is an environmental issue since it works in one lab and not the other. Both labs have the same Exchange
    server installed, and the same Microsoft Test Agent installed on all machines within the lab.
    I have ruled out the Outlook version as being the issue since the larger lab contains the same Outlook version as the Outlook version in the smaller lab.
    During test run
    Notice that Outlook is in the disconnected state.
    After test run.
    Notice that Outlook is not connected to Exchange.
    Environment Information
    Outlook 2010 Version: (14.0.7113.5000) SP2 (14.0.1740.5002) 64-bit or 32-bit Outlook 2013 Version: (15.0.4667.1000) MSO (15.0.4675.1002) 64-bit or 32-bit Windows
    7 Version: 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
    Exchange 2013 Version: 15.0 ‎(Build 847.32)‎ Windows Server 2008 R2 Version: 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) Microsoft Test Manager 2013 Version: 12.0.31101.0
    TFS 2013 Update 4 Version: 12.0.31101.0 Microsoft Test Agent Version: 12.0.31101.0 Update 4
    Troubleshooting Steps
    I launched procmon and looked for failed TCP and UDP operations for indication of network failures and found none.
    I turned on enable troubleshooting logging in Outlook and nothing within the logs looks obvious.
    Pinging the Exchange server while the test is running still works.
    I ran the integration test through the command line using MSTest.exe and outlook connectivity is not blocked.
    Requesting Help
    Can you please help me troubleshoot this problem? I see two approaches to identifying the problem.
    Looking for differences between the two environments
    Obtaining logs or other information that would expose the core problem.
    I am open to suggestions or ideas especially if you have a different approach to solving the problem. Feel free to ask for other information related to the problem
    like logs, PowerShell commands, and registry values.
    If you are short on time, can you at least post some suggestions or ideas related to resolving this problem?
    Thanks, Keith

    After installing fiddler I figured out what the problem was. The Microsoft Test Agent was activating a proxy server which was blocking connectivity to exchange. The proxy server was activated due to having the ASP.Net Client Proxy for IntelliTrace and Test
    Impact turned on.
    Below is a link to the article with the exact same problem.

  • I'm trying to do a gallery something similar to:
    but the grow effect on my Spry page is glitchy in the sense that it
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    . Not sure what the problem is other than I'm using tables and not
    div's but not sure if that would cause this. The code DW is
    generating for the effect is the following:
    width='20' height='20' onmouseover='MM_effectGrowShrink(this, 500,
    '20px', '70px', false, false, false)'
    onmouseout='MM_effectGrowShrink(this, 300, '70px', '20px', false,
    false, false)' />

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    firefox gives error;
    Spry.Effect.DoGrow is not a function
    GrowShrink(img#cooperfineart.jpg cooperfineart.jpg, 1000,
    '150px', '520px', true, false, false)port.asp (line 23)
    onclick(click clientX=0, clientY=0)port.asp (line 1)
    [Break on this error] Spry.Effect.DoGrow(targetElement,
    {duration: duration, from: from, to: to, togg.
    port.asp (line 23)
    Spry.Effect.DoGrow is not a function
    becouse Spry.Effect.DoGrow is SPRY 1,5 code (i think)
    maby update your SPRY, your using 1,4. current release is
    1,6 https://download-commercial900.weebly.com/learn-piano-software-download.html.

  • I'm using Logic Express 7 at present, and I still prefer to sequence songs and not going to audio until I have it sequenced to my satisfaction. I go way back to the old C-Lab Creator/Notator days, and I miss some of the features of earlier Logic versions, mainly note overlap correction.
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    Thanks much,

    Hi Swathi:
    In the strict order, your question is more a 'concept' than a technical issue, but, I consider useful give you this remarks:
    1. The scheduling process en SAP could be in both 'solutions' I mean, if you are using a Discrete Manufacturing with Production Orders, you can use a schedule tools to get your production sequencing, but if you are running in a REM (Repetitive Manufacturing Scenario) then, you can use the sequencing tools like Planning Table bye sequencing.
    2. Into SAP there are at least this 2 ways to make a scheduling, even, if you go to the transaction code MF50 you can get at the Scheduling Tab the next options:
    Detailed Planning
    Rate based planning
    3. The deliverable in both cases, are: sku, machine (or work center) quantity, start & finish date, at least., just to name a few.
    4. Sequencing is a set of at least one order firmed with dates, Scheduling is the arrangement for at least one production order.
    I hope, my comments give you some clarity about your doubt.
    Please let me know.
    O Perea

  • I posted this question on 5/20 but did not get any replies,
    so I am reposting in hopes that someone might have an answer.
    Can Spry accordion panels be dynamically sorted the same way
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    even though the date field is not visible when the panels are
    - cpmorgan

    I couldn't tell from your post if you were generating the
    markup for your Accordion using regions and data sets. If you are,
    then you are probably doing something similar to:
    In which case, you can cause the panels to sort by simply
    sorting the data set:
    Sort by FirstName
    Sort by Last Name
    -- Kin --

  • Hi I recently got this piece of work set as a practice for my finals, I will be given something similar in a lab and be given 3 hours to do it, I'm just wondering if anyone can give me any pointers on how to get started with this:
    (a) A firm that markets 15 different products wishes to store the total sales value achieved for each product at the end of the year in a computer based-system. It also wishes to be able to obtain some sales information from the system. When sales values are being entered into the computer system, product codes are used to identify the products. The products are assigned numerical codes from 1 to 15. Complete the class below by supplying the appropriate Java statements where indicated.
    Supply appropriate comments
    Import appropriate class or classes
    (2 marks)
    public class Sales
    define an appropriate data structure to store the sales values of 15 products
    (3 marks)
    public void setsalesvalues()
    write statements that will request a user to enter the sales values of each of the 15 different products and will store them.
    (5 marks)
    public double getsalesValue(int productNo)
    write statements that will return the sales value of the product identified by productNo if it is a valid product number but returns �1.0 if it is not a valid product number
    (5 marks)
    public double getaveragesales()
    write statements that will return the average sales value of the products
    (10 marks)
    public void displaySalesInfo()
    write statements that will display the following sales information in the
    format shown below. You should include statement(s) that make use of
    Sales Information
    Product Number Sales Value.
    1 �200000.00
    2 �25000.00
    Total sales �xxxxxxx.xx
    Average Sales �xxxxxx.xx
    (15 marks)
    public int getleastsold()
    write statements that will return the product number of the first product with the smallest sales value.
    (5 marks)
    public void displayHighest()
    write statements that will display the highest sales value and the product number of the first product with that value.
    } (5marks)
    Comments (5 marks)
    Choice of attribute names, types and structure of class (5 marks)
    (b) Implement a Test class for the Sales class above.
    The test class which should contain at least the main() method, should provide a
    user with a list of options including the following:
    1. Enter sales values for all products
    2. Display Sales information
    3. Display the product number with the least sales value.
    4. Display the highest sales value and the product number of the first product with that value.
    5. Display the sales value of a given product.
    6. Display the average sales value
    7. Exit the program. Your program should seek confirmation from the user before terminating the session.
    Your program should request a user to re-enter an option if an invalid one has been entered.
    (25 marks
    (c) Produce test runs and program output
    Your test runs should show how data was entered, the results produced by your program. You should ensure that your test runs demonstrate that you have tested your classes very well using appropriate test data
    (15 marks)

    Right. One supposes that it's semantics, but I
    would say that Java doesn't have pointers strictly
    speaking because they are not the same as C/C++
    pointers. How did C/C++ get the honor of possessing the
    canonical definition of 'pointer'?
    I bet daFfy has an answer for that one.
    No, they're not the same as pointers as C/C++, but
    how does that make them not-a-pointer? Java
    references aren't the same as C++ references, so are
    Java 'references' not 'references' either?I guess ints are not ints either.
    As I understand it, 'pointers' has a specific,
    well-defined meaning in Java as well. After all, it
    is a 'NullPointerException', not a
    'NullReferenceException'. ;o)That's just because the junior coder was lazy and or careless. He was supposed to call it NullThingThatPointsButIsNotAPointerBecauseItIsNotTheSameAsACCPlusPlusPointerException
    (And I haven't even had my morning coffee yet.)

  • Hi,
    I have some data in my database that I would consider as boolean, but whose are SMALL INTEGER (Oracle doesn't provide the BOOLEAN type). In my JSP page, I associate checkbox to these datas, but I don't know how I can make the link between a checked box and the value 1 (and between a no checked box and the value 0).
    I know that I can bind a property, but I have a lot of checkbox on my page and I can't write a getter method for each one!
    Can I use a kinf of converter, or similar?
    -- Prankster --

    Creator is not very robust when it comes to Boolean values. We use MySQL and Creator only seems to respect values which are typed as Tinyint(1) as Boolean. This is a problem as we integrate from legacy systems which use Char, Integer and other data types which use business rules (ie non-zero = true) to manage Boolean states.
    The only way around this that we have found is to code it the hardway:
    [1] create a getter/setter paid such as getMyBooleanVal()/setMyBooleanVal() in the backing bean which returns a boolean and use the getter to interpret the value from a row-set using the getValue() method and any appropriate business transformations.
    [2] set the value property of the check box to the getter/setter
    [3] perform for each checkbox!!!!
    You could also write a customer converter which performs the same functions. This is much less tiresome if (a) there are many instances of check boxes which have to be dealt with, and (b) your transformation is standardized across your application.
    Customer converters are simple to create and integrate but Creator seems to complain if you attempt to put them into the attributes in the JSF and they are not properly registered. We find the best way is to set the converter property for the requisite controls in the backing bean's initialization code eg
    checkbox1.setConverter(new myCustomConverter());
    which we would put in the page constructor.
    I hope this helps you. I posted a customer converter for uppercasing text somewhere on the forum which you could probably find and modify for your needs.

  • Hola a todos, miren esta web que bien lograda y a ver si
    alguien sabe
    como se puede hacer una aplicacion similar a 'THE LAB'.
    Un saludo

    Muchas Gracias Anuack, me aclaró mucho decompilarlo con
    el swf decompiler.
    Estoy un poco oxidado con el flash. hace tiempo que no lo
    toco a fondo.
    Un Saludo.
    'Anuack Luna' <[email protected]> escribió en el
    news:fepguu$m41$[email protected].
    > Descárgate el SWF y utiliza imperator para
    convertirlo a FLA
    > Hay conocerás mas de como lo hicieron
    > Interesante. Saludos
    > No a la piratería
    > 'Nicolás León' <[email protected]>
    escribió en el mensaje
    > news:feo58r$4td$[email protected].
    >> Hola a todos, miren esta web que bien lograda y a
    ver si alguien sabe
    >> como se puede hacer una aplicacion similar a 'THE
    >> www.mariaclaudiacortes.com
    >> Un saludo

  • I've looked through the previous posts in this forum that look like they have anything to do with my question, but they did not seem to address my question.
    I'm trying to set things up on a Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 remotely via PowerShell. I am not using SCVMM so I do not have the SCVMM PowerShell cmdlets available. I need to be able to do this with the 'out of the box' cmdlets as this is geared toward
    a green field deployment.
    After installation, I do the minimum amount of work required locally in the Hyper-V Server command and sconfig windows to configure for remote management, then switch to executing a variety of PowerShell scripts from my management workstation.
    For this particular Hyper-V Server, I am creating a virtual switch that is shared with the host OS - no problem. The only issue is that the network requires a VLAN tag. I can't see anyway to include the tag in the New-VmSwitch cmdlet. Nor
    have I been able to find any other cmdlet that allows me to set the VLAN tag on the parent's vNIC. I know the Set-VmNetworkAdapterVlan can be used for setting the VLAN tag on a VM's NIC, but it doesn't appear it works on the parent's vNIC.
    It seems like with the all the great cmdlets Microsoft is releasing to do everything that is possible in the GUI that this would be someplace. But if it is there, I haven't found it yet.
    My workaround is to launch the GUI remotely and set it manually.
    Thanks for any pointers.
    .:|:.:|:. tim

    I do something similar in my lab, so I actually build my virtual networking in a slightly different way to make it all work.
    Eric identified the -ManagementOS flag to get the virtual NIC of the management OS. Without the flag you will never have it returned.
    In my case I don't allow the New-VMSwitch to create my management OS virtual NIC for me as I want to add QoS to ensure that none of my management WMI traffic is lost.
    I am simply going to share it, as I think you may find the approach useful
    Simply add the line that Eric pointed you toward.
    # Assume 1 NIC in my Lab, this could also be an LBFO Team
    $nic = Get-NetAdapter -Physical
    New-VMSwitch VMs -NetAdapterName $nic.Name -MinimumBandwidthMode Weight -AllowManagementOS:$false
    Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name 'Management' -SwitchName VMs
    Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name 'Management' -MinimumBandwidthWeight 5
    Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName * -MinimumBandwidthWeight 1
    Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses x.x.x.x,x.x.x.y -InterfaceAlias *Management*
    Brian Ehlert
    Learn. Apply. Repeat.
    Disclaimer: Attempting change is of your own free will.

  • Now that Device Central is defunct, does there exist a website similar to Browser Lab for testing websites on mobile devices?

    There's a few options. First, Apple has XCode and Android has their SDK for testing. Also if you are using a responsive design, just resizing the browser window in something like Chrome will show you the results. If you are doing it based on user-agent there are plugins depending on the browser, or Safari has a developer menu that can be enabled from the preferences to trick the site into thinking you are browsing with an iPhone/iPad to show you the mobile site.

  • Hy! I'm new and I want to ask: is in JSF a tehnologie similar with Tiles? How can I make my jsf pages to have some header and footer? Of course, in Creator.
    Thank you very much.

    In general, by design, JSF is a much more flexible framework as JSF is built with integration and extensibility in mind. JSF isn't easier than Struts when developing by hand, but using Sun Java Studio Creator can make it much much easier and greatly increase your productivity.
    Take a look at the Craig McClanahan's Weblog (He was the original creator of the Struts Framework, and was the co-specification lead for JavaServer Faces (JSF) 1.0 )
    A good place to learn more about JSF is JSF Central .
    As for your second question, you could use 'Page Fragment Box'. Check the online help for 'Page Fragment Box'.
    'This component enables you to include a page fragment in a page. A page fragment is a separate, reusable part of a page that can be included in any number of pages. For example, you might want to put a common a visual element like a header graphic in a page fragment and then include it in all the pages in an application..'
    Hope that helps.

  • Pubicly. Check it out here;
    Click here

    See: DXO Labs Slams Adobes Lens Corrections
    This is what I responded the first and second response.
    'says Cyrille de La Chesnais, Sales and Marketing Director - Photography at DxO Labs' Uh, ok.so I'm sure HE has an advanced degree IN MARKETING maybe.
    The moment that a marketing guy starts talking smack is just about the time to quit listening.
    I'm sure that DxO is SEETHING at the prospect that a bunch of users can go out and create profiles of their lenses for free.what does DxO cost?
    It should also be noted that DxO is partially subsidized by the French military establishment (as far as I can recall).
    Just as soon as Cyrille bothers to go out and actually USE Adobe Lens Profile Creator and can PROVE using acceptable scientific testing that there's an issue, I suggest Cyrille keeps his gums together.
    I've used both.I've created custom lens profiles using the Adobe Lens Profile Creator myself (and the effort, if done well is not inconsequential). I've not yet done a head to head comparison with my profile with DxO with the lens I profiled but I have closely studied the results of the Lens Correction panel in Camera Raw (in particular to write about how to do it in my book) with a variety of lenses and I gotta say, DxO does indeed have something to worry about because the profiles provided by Adobe are very good.
    The lens profile I made for a Canon EF50mm F/1.2 lens is very good. I uploaded the profile I made to the Adobe Lens Profile server to share with the community (which suspect is the one thing that really galls DxO the most).
    Really, let's hear from DxO's scientists not DxO's marketing guys.and let's hear from somebody who has DONE a profile using Adobe Lens Profile Creator and found severe limitations.
    Oh, BTW, the guy mentions keeping the lens profile calibration target really, really flat (to profile the geometric distortion) as though that's some kind of super difficult task. Uh, no, I don't think so.Adobe suggests having the printed targets mounted on foam core and then put the mounted targets in a picture frame to keep it flat. I used a different method of mounting the targets to the front of 1/4 plate glass placed on an easel. That way I could mount multiple sized printed targets up to 36' x 48' in size.
    I don't want to underestimate the amount of work involved in creating quality lens profiles. I shot a series of 5 F/stops with 3 focus distances using three different targets. Took about 5-6 hours (the first time) and that's in a studio space that's 26' x 53' with 12' ceilings with professional quality studio strobes and a photographer (me) who has 1/2 a clue what they are doing.I'm sure there will be a range in the quality of profiles for the lenses profiled by the 'community'. But here's the thing.that's to do lens profiles that can be automatically applied to masses of shots at once via presets or Camera Raw Defaults.but you can STILL go in and fine-tube the results from those profiles and use manual controls not only for distortion, CA and vignetting but also lens perspective correction.not sure you can even do that in DxO.
    No, I'm sure DxO is trying to come up with some sort of attack/defense for their product's existence.at the moment, I suspect it sucks to be them, ya know?

  • I purchased a Creative Labs Travelsound i50 speaker through Apple some years ago for my 2nd generation Shuffle. I purchased a new Shuffle, and obviously this style does not fit the speaker. Is there another speaker that can be purchased to fit my new device?

    I've never seen this issue, and I handle many iPads, of all versions. WiFi issues are generally local to the WiFi router - they are not all of the same quality, range, immunity to interference, etc. You have distance, building construction, and the biggie - interference.
    At home, I use Apple routers, and have no issues with any of my WiFi enabled devices, computers, mobile devices, etc - even the lowly PeeCees. I have locations where I have Juniper Networks, as well as Aruba, and a few Netgears - all of them work as they should.
    The cheaper routers, Linksys, D-Link, Seimens home units, and many other no name devices have caused issues of various kinds, and even connectivity.
    I have no idea what Starbucks uses, but I always have a good connection, and I go there nearly every morning and get some work done, as well as play.
    You could try changing channels, 2.4 to 5 Gigs, changing locations of the router. I have had to do all of these at one time or another over the many years that I have been a Network Engineer.
    Good Luck - Cheers,

C Lab Alpha-1 00 Mac Os Sierra

Maybe you are looking for

C Lab Alpha-1 00 Mac Os X

  • I would 'love' to have a place where I could ask the simple questions like this that come up and seem so simple to those who know, they don't mention the details I need like how to close a working collection window and move back to the parent folder

  • Hi, Could anyone send me a code that: 1. Reads 'multiple samples(lets say 4) from single digital input' 2. 'plot digital data as a chart with time stamps' 3. Find frequency 4. Log data into file with time stamps I have attached the code which i tri

  • Post Author: TimboK CA Forum: Charts and Graphs I have a chart which is showing support calls from sites over 6 months. The 'on change of' is Month no. and site, the value is Number of calls. Over the 6 months there have been calls from 54+ sites. T

  • I can set up profile manager successfully, and set certain settings like the Dock, the login window, etc. But when I click on Login Items, and try to add an Application, the list of applications is blank. Tried it from my server, tried it logged in r

  • Hello I am using the windows version of photoshop elements 11, in dutch, i am looking for an option to create folders during the import into the catalog with a naming template yyyy mmm dd, this would result in 2013 jun 26, this option is not in my se

broken image